Grallina cyanoleuca
These medium sized black and white birds were hanging about in the trees out the back, it’s yet another species that I couldn’t identify! By the time I got the camera they were gone. Luckily they returned the next day, this time I was ready.
I’ve mentioned the method I use to identify birds and other plants and animals before but wanted to say it again as I find it really effective. First try to take a photo to closely study the features of the animal, then go to Google image search and type in a visual description with a location. When an image matches check it out, all you need is a name then you’re set. This is how I identified the Peewee. “black and white bird australia” brought up exactly what I’d seen.
The Peewee is also commonly known as the Magpie-lark, there were a few sites saying it’s called the Peewee in New South Wales ( where I am ) so I’ll call it that. I also think it’s a better sounding name.
The Peewee is a common bird found throughout Australia except Tasmania and central Western Australia. It’s black and white markings mimick that of a true Magpie, which it sometimes uses to advantage by infulrating magpie flocks for the protection of the larger birds.
Peewees build their nests out if mud and line them with feathers and grass. Peewees can be aggressive and territorial and are known to swoop and attack people that get to close to their nests.
Males have white markings on their cheeks and eyebrows, females have white on their forehead chin and throat.

Sources and further reading